I, like many of you, am a huge believer in a routine. I have many each day.....I make breakfast the same way (although each day differs in the choices for J & C), I have a routine for my weekly chores, and I am trying hard to get the boys in a good bedtime and morning routine on school days.
While I read many BLOGS each day, I do find reading others routines helpful and get ideas on how the make routines easier for all of us. Today, while reading my favorite Blog EVER, I came across her morning routine printable (which is FREE and that makes it even better) to assist my boys! I have her bedtime routine printable already hanging on the boys doors, the new morning routine will soon join it for the boys to use as a guide.
Routines are apart of everyone's lives even if we do not really know about it. I think setting the right routines in my kids at an early age will be helpful as they grow into the big people too....
Awww, thanks for your sweet words! So proud to be your favorite blog, melts my happy heart!