Saturday, January 15, 2011

More inspiration

I love family photo's.  We have a wall in our office that I have hung photo's of our family, friends, grandparents etc. I love to look at it.  M loves to see who the kids are looking like from the older photo's of our parents or grandparents. I love see to my favorite photo of my brother.  I love to see the photo's of all of my brother's buddies at a wedding we all attended together (not mine!).  I cherish this wall.  

So in my continuing search for inspiration for the master bedroom I saw this
And love how simple they make that look!  Now I have a lot of angled walls in our room but I think I could make this work in some areas.  I want more photo's of my kids in my room.  Not crazy amount, but I remember my mom always had our school photo's in her room.  J is only in 1st grade so I do not have THAT many school photo's yet, but we have some amazing photos none the less with more to come this summer! (Happily one of my BFF is a self taught photog, and has agreed to take our photo's this summer!  for the bargain price of hugs and all the beer she can drink!  :)

Today even thought it is a family day, I am determined to put the final coat of clear coat on the dresser.  I had never intended too, but C ran a car over the top of it and well, it scratched the paint SOOO, I am still fixing that!  It should be done this weekend and placed Monday. Then to start on the next one.  I found an old curtain rod in our basement too that can be re-purposed for the room so I have some of the basic elements, but no fabric yet.  Soon I will be at a stand still.

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